Moon and Ripples at Dusk - The Story Behind the Image

June 22, 2013  •  2 Comments

This new image was taken at Palmachim beach. I'd like to share with you the story of how this image was taken.

 As you probably recall from my previous post, Palmachim has a pretty "famous" spot for photographers. It's an elongated rock, sticking out into the sea. During the right time of the year, it points right into the sunset, so you can produce wonderful images there...

 This time I got to the place pretty late, just before sunset. And not surprisingly, two photographers were already on the spot. Pretty annoying as it was, I decided to try to compose a different scene. The changing tides caused periods of strong currents on the rocks, draining the water at times, and pouring more water into the pools at others. I took advantage of the ripples, and after several trials arrived at my desired (and constrained) composition, leaving the other photographer, standing between me and the sunset, out.

 At that point, the camera was already stabilized on the rocks. I reached for my bag, which was on another rock 2 meters away, and slipped... Luckily the camera was on the tripod so it didn't fall with me. It wasn't a terrible fall, so I kept shooting. One lesson, learnt yet again: Never wear flip flops when going shooting at the sea... shoes worth so much less than your equipment, you can afford sacrificing a good pair in order to keep safe.

 I wasn't very satisfied from my composition. The sun was setting, and the other photographer still blocked my view... I almost despaired,   and was ready to go back home with several, unsuccessful shots. But to my surprise, just as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, the other photographer took his equipment and left the place... I had the entire dusk and blue hour ahead, and a clear view - at last!

 It was getting dark, and I already fell once on the slippery rocks, so I decided to remain at my spot, and recompose the scene. This time I could include the rocks ahead of me, where the other photographer sat a moment ago, in the scene. The moon was above, and the wind swept the clouds inland. I decided to try and take advantage of that. I used an ultra wide angle lens, with no filters this time, and tried a 4 minutes exposure, risking some noise, but it was necessary for the effect I wanted. Then it already became too dark, so I packed my stuff and went home, hoping for something good to come out from this session.

 Only after getting back home I realized that the fall left some marks... After taking care of them, I uploaded the images from the camera, and took some time to post-process the image. I have combined several duplicates of the same file with different exposure compensation values. Denoising was necessary, of course, as well as the tedious work of eliminating hot pixels all over the image.

 A hard day's work... But nothing like a satisfying image at the end of it. You are welcome to leave your feedback.



Israeli Landscape Photography by Tom Shapira
Thanks a lot!
It is great to leave near this place. Many opportunities to shoot, and always an interesting place to go to. I just wish it was known by less photographers... :)
Awesome! It's a good thing you live close to Palmahim. You have great photos from there.
Nice action packed story!
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